2022 Thames Traditional Boat Festival

2022 Thames Traditional Boat Festival

Always an amazing collection of traditional craft on display at the Thames Traditional Boat Festival, from the electric Slipper launches to a fleet of Little Ships of Dunkirk.

Today we have David from the blog – Cruising the Cut, taking us on a tour of the festival at Henley-on-Thames. Enjoy Thanks to Colin Pawson for the link

THE NZ CLASSIC YACHT ASSOCIATION – IT’S NOT JUST ME – The WW comment below is from someone that should/ could have been one of the next generation of CYA leading lights – sub 50 in age and very talented and most importantly – a seriously good guy – BUT – LOST

“I started to write a long comment about this and gave up. I withdrew my 10+ year CYA membership in protest last year and my 2 other family members will be following as none of our boats qualify and because of the way applications (invites) have been handled.

Unfortunately this means I won’t have an opportunity to comment, listen or vote on something that has forced a large number away from the CYA.

The vessels at heritage landing have reaped benefit for many years – many hardly getting any use. When previous sub-committee members suggest a change or review of criteria – they end up giving up and resigning due to the way things are handled.

No transparency, nepotism and a committee that rolls over too easily despite nervously agreeing off record that it’s a farce.”

Thames Traditional Boat Festival – 2021

Thames Traditional Boat Festival – 2021

The Thames Traditional Boat Festival is one of the woody events on my bucket list and today thanks to Olaf Wiig we get to vicariously check out last weekends event. 

Olaf commented that as long as it is made of wood or riveted steel it is welcome at the festival. No 1950 cut off here 🙂

Olaf’s highlight was – Islanda, see spec sheet on her below.
Enjoy the varnish 🙂

Mystery Launch 14-04-2020

Screen Shot 2020-04-05 at 6.00.58 AM


The above photo comes to us via Lew Redwoods fb and shows a very smart launch unloading passengers at an unknown beach – possibly on the Hokianga Harbour. Photo ex Sheran Webb.

On my count there are 17 people aboard……….. not sure how many that Mk1 PFD would support 🙂

Anyone able to shed some light on the launch, she is way to pretty to be an unknown.

A couple of excellent videos below- enjoy

Check out this video ex ‘My Classic Boat’ from the 2016 Thames Traditional Boat Festival, a little OTT in places but some very cool woodys.


Proof even the ‘Experts’ get it wrong – Check Out The Video Below
