Olive Rose

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Ian McDonald gave me a nudge yesterday about the 50′ Olive Rose being 4sale on trademe, my initial reaction was that I was sure I had covered her story previously but a quick WW search, said no.

She has just popped up on tme & if you believe the story – must be sold in the next 2 weeks. Reviewing the above photos & the bidding to date, she would have to be the cheapest waterfront accommodation packages in Auckland. Her owner has spent a lot to money on her, $30k alone on the 6LX Gardner 127hp engine.

Built in 1910 she must have had a good life as a commercial boat but her current configuration is all about cruising / live-a-board. She is built like the proverbially brick out-house & she should be able to do laps of NZ.

Check out the listing for more details.

Anyone able to comment on her previous life?

04-07-2018 Harold Kidd Input – Snorky (Norman John) Inglis &  Rose Smyth were married in 1916. So, the long story is that Snorky named his first passenger launch OLIVENE (1915) after his highly successful racing 14 foot sailing dinghy of 1911, which in turn had been named after his younger sister Olive Jean Inglis (b1892). OLIVE JEAN (1919) was the second boat and named after his sister too. Number three was named OLIVE ROSE (1925), I guess because he now had three OLIVE boats that formed a little fleet, so he put his wife’s name in as well as his sister’s (to keep the peace?).




15 thoughts on “Olive Rose

  1. Pingback: Olive Rose – Way Back | waitematawoodys.com #1 for classic wooden boat stories, info, advice & news – updated daily

  2. Pingback: Olive Rose + Woodys Kawau Island Weekend | waitematawoodys.com #1 for classic wooden boat stories, info, advice & news – updated daily

  3. We have been the owners for 11 yrs and loved living on board full time in summer and cruising all the northern east coast of nz
    She has just had a major overhaul new keel bolts and some structural work completed and is simply as strong as an ox and turn key and would competent ly circumnavigate nz
    As much as we have loved living onboard we are now moving on and selling her
    She has pots of room and is set up like a big apartment now and very comfortable
    It’s so nice to see all the comments apart from one idiot
    She has just been up to BOI for a mid winter cruise
    She really is a cool old girl and really amazing sea boat
    You will see her on trade me just been listed again
    We have had her based on waiheke and bought her from tauranga
    Snorky new how to build boats because she really is a strongly built little ship
    Every time I slip her I’m amazed at her strength and construction all the planks are full length
    We have some great old shots of her through the yrs too
    It’s so nice to see old boats still cruising the nz coast
    We really love olive rose and well done WW FOR THE INFO


  4. PS I was wrong in the last post. Snorky (Norman John) Inglis did marry. His wife was Rose Smyth and they married in 1916. So, the long story is that Snorky named his first passenger launch OLIVENE (1915) after his highly successful racing 14 foot sailing dinghy of 1911, which in turn had been named after his younger sister Olive Jean Inglis (b1892). OLIVE JEAN (1919) was the second boat and named after his sister too. Number three was named OLIVE ROSE (1915), I guess because he now had three OLIVE boats that formed a little fleet, so he put his wife’s name in as well as his sister’s (to keep the peace?).


  5. She was named after Snorky Inglis’ sister Olive, for whom I mowed lawns in Huia Street, Devonport as a boy. Snorky never married.


  6. My Dad owned this boat for several years, she is a beautiful old ship, had heaps of fun fishing and cruising about. My daughter had her first holiday as a 5 month old aboard on a two week trip out from Tauranga cruising around Mayor, Mercury Bay, Great Merc’s and the Barrier with my parents, my youngest brother and myself. Awesome history to the ole girl, the original owner named her after one of his daughter’s there were three Olive’s with the daughter’s name following. When my Dad sold her there was still onboard very interesting old ship records and gorgeous old photos of her in action as a ferry. Hope someone is still loving the pleasure of owning this solid mass of awesomeness.


  7. The Olive Rose is the sister ship to the Olive Enne, Olive Jean, Rangi 1 Rangi 2 and the Marie. They were all of the Blue Boats Co., that l regularly travelled in to Islington Bay from 1936 to the late 50s. The Rose was skippered by Miles Anderson. A little information.


  8. The last time she was on Trade Me her build date was 1924, which is correct, although she was first registered in the British Ship Registry in 1925. If the trend continues the next time her build date will be 1894 when Snorky Inglis, who built her, was in Standard 6 at Devonport Primary School.


  9. Spent lots of time on Olive Rose in school holidays as both of my brothers skippered on the blue boats. Also, to my knowledge, my brother was one of the last skippers on the Waitemata of the Jane Gifford (now based at Warkworth). Spent lots of holidays on her as well.


  10. Hi !!
    Olive Rose for many years was part of the Blue Boats [Auckland Launch and Tow Boat Company]
    Kia Orana from the Cook Islands


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