How Can We Help

Need Some Advice

waitematawoodys has a great following among the marine trade and talented ‘amateurs’ – most of these people are very happy to provided guidance when asked. So if you have questions relating to things like – how do I / where can I find / who is good at etc. Just ask away in the LEAVE A REPLY link at the bottom of this page 🙂

123 thoughts on “How Can We Help

  1. Gee Alan, this just keeps getting better! and I almost reluctantly make a request- your work load must be huge!

    I am trying to email a couple of images to start some convo and maybe content for your site, and am struggling to get this to work. have you got a direct email address. I have recently completed a project and am looking at another ( am trying to find the owner of a boat on the Panmure river)

    Look forward to hearing


  2. Hi, I am looking for the owner of the Nimbus 11 that featured in this publication.

    I have one of these boats built in Sydney in 1974 but the previous owner lost all the old information.

    I noticed there were plans pictured in the feature and would love to get a copy or closer look.

    my email is

    phone +61 472 565 835

    Thanks…if anyone knows how I could contact them it would be much appreciated.


  3. Hello there wooden boat appreciators, I am on the hunt for information regarding my late grandfathers fishing trawler, when I say late I mean very late. My grand father fished the northern Kaipara in around about the 1920’s to I don’t know, maybe 1950’s, he owned 2 fishing trawlers, the one I’m looking for was called the “Olga” KPA 1. I searched the name a few years ago and found it, my mother confirmed it was the correct boat from a photo. It appeared to be about 40ft long, had a lowish coach house roof with curved front Mum said it had a small mast in front of the coach house. The info I found said it was currently a fishing charter boat operating in the southern Kaipara, from the photos it appeared in good nick, but now I can find nothing. Can anyone help?


    Keith Barnard


  4. 2024 greetings. I would appreciate your advise on the following please.
    I have a classic 16 foot wooden Gand Banks Newfoundland Dory built by Ralph Sewell 1952 that I inherited a year ago. It was co-owned for many years (named JAKE) by Architect Malcomn Cheadle and John Parry, later passed onto David Tippet who fitted it with a inboard motor. (not a good idea)
    Since owning it the motor has failed and has since been removed. It could however be relatively easily restored to a sailing and fishing boat, which it was originally.
    I currently have it on it’s trailer close by a slipway on our property in Beachhaven. I am now in my late 70s and the boat is too unweidly for me to manage alone and I wish to pass it on to a new owner who would value its character and history.
    I am open to offers and would rather it go to a wooden boat lover than advertising it on Trademe or similar. I am not looking to make a profit, just to cover my costs and purchase a light seaworthy dinghy or kayak.
    I welcome any advise and approaches from potentially interested parties – whether through your website, or other.
    Phil Dadson


  5. Hi, Has anybody out there got for sale an old, like pre 1930s, marine engine, 6-10hp with a reverse gearbox? Needs to have “classic” appearance.
    Thanks Rick


  6. Hi Ed- well done on your purchase, she is a well built boat with her bones in great nick. Have a look through Pacific any time you like for a feel of another Slattery.

    In the old days gauges were generally either attached to the motor or the box, perhaps as a link to ship engine rooms?


  7. Hello folks,
    I am the new guardian of Waitaroa ( Formerly Kenya )
    She came back to home waters about a month ago and is now living at Pine Harbour. Obviously with a vessel that is 95 years old, there is a lot of evidence of previous fittings and configurations, some make sense, some not. For example, there are engine guages – Temps, tachometer etc at the helm. Why are they also fitted to the forward saloon bulkhead ? I see from the photos of her near sinking in the early 1970s that they were there then, but why are they there ? I don’t understand the reason – other learned woodies have also seen them and been perplexed… any ideas folks ?


  8. Hi there, i have recently got a 23′ 4″ john gladden bilge keeler called “Misty Bay”. I don’t think this is the original name and there is no sail number. The only thing i found to identify it was a VHF call sign number by the switchboard ZMY 6286. Can you help with original name and or history please.

    Photo added below.Alan H


  9. Hi Wakaiti is on the hard along with Nana at Hibiscus marine storage , 1 polar lane hibiscus coast the yard manager is Tim phone no 021916133


  10. Hi.
    Could you please possibly tell me where the boat
    Wakaiti is on the hard.
    I understand talking to
    Pamela Cundy she is on the hard in the Auckland area looking for a new home.
    I was a kid when
    Earnie Seagar. Gill Powell.
    Harry Pope refurbished her at
    Chas Baileys. Often goin cruzing with them.


  11. Morning Steve Judson, if you’re in Auckland there’s a sister yacht on the hard in Milford.


  12. Hi Guys , I have a 28ft John gladdon bilge keeler and wanting to put her up on the hard , I can’t seem to find any plan dimensions for how far apart the keels are ? or the best way to set up on a cradle ? cheers Steve


  13. Hi Glen/Houghty, Need some bronze screws for hood end plank replacement. 2 1/2 – 3 inch size 12-14 if there’s anything in that vicinity I would be keen 30 odd if available.


  14. Good Morning
    I have just finished the restoration of a 1950 Chriscraft Riviera 20 here in Hamilton, I am looking to put together a wooden boat day at Karapiro in November, I have put a flyer together and ask if I was to provide it you could share via your network, I also have a good number of Silicone Bronze screws and would like to help find these a good home (I’m not planning another restoration!!).
    If of interest let me know and we can go from there
    Glen Archer


  15. I have a 1930 Collings & Bell launch “Romance” with 120hp ford 6 cyl diesel 2700 series (2704E?) and a Simms Minimec injector pump. The pump seems to have a pressure return to the fuel tank. I can’t see this on a Simms diagram & mine currently has no flow (it used to) & I’m getting fuel in the exhaust water. Any help appreciated.
    David Shaw


  16. Hi we have recently purchased an old 14m launch John Lidgard design under the name of “Albatross”, originally 12.85m named “Shady Lady III”. If anybody has any history on this vessel? Or who did this extension? We would love to hear from you, thanks.


  17. Am after good photo of Komuri posted by Heather England on Waitemata Woodys webpage, 9 September 2021. I interviewed ex-whaler Joseph Timms in 1976 who told the story of its loss at Campbell Island in 1918. Am willing to share this if WW wants. Twenty years ago I received I had a poorer quality photo of Komura from Sea Spray but it’s been misplaced and I can’t find the edition online.


  18. Alan are you interested in doing something on a brand new (not finished yet) 38Ft triple skin displacement launch?


  19. Re the Mary G
    Unfortunately, I have just the barest of info on her. My only reference is from the NZ Yachting & Boating Magazine September 1969.

    “Mary G, launched from Morgan’s yard in Picton. 24ft hard chine v-bottom with fin and .75 ton of lead., 9ft beam, sloop rig. For Sounds cruising. Owner Guy Reece of Palmerston North “.

    Mary G did not pick up a sail number in 1969 when the NZYF numbers were introduced and has very likely had a name change.

    A VERY vague possibility………..
    On the YNZ Website Boat Search there is a yacht designed by Jack Morgan named Grisha, with an early YNZ number 693 which would likely have been issued around 1969-1971.
    Unfortunately they give no other details that might link Grisha to Mary G. I suggest you ring YNZ to see if they have any original data on NZL-693 Grisha that might correspond with those details above of Mary G. It’s a long shot though, YNZ’s older records are not that great.

    Interestingly there is a yacht called Mary G on the YNZ list but it’s an Alan Mummery designed Merlin 20 Trailer Yacht reg number T105


  20. We are looking for any information/history of the yacht “Mary G” built in Picton by Jack Morgan for a Dr Reece. Who cruised and raced in the sounds. Later it is rumoured to have been sold northwards, possibly to Ian Bradley. Tis only a rumour.
    If anyone has information we would like to hear.


  21. I have more accurate information on the little vessel, Mystery Girl. If anyone would like to contact me.
    You see, I am the guy who re built her for my personal use at my shed at Invercargill. Circa 2002.
    I’m Graham Caird, owner of Southern Classic Boats. Also the restorer of Lion of Wakatipu and many others.


  22. Hi anyone know were the GOBLIN is 33ft double ender ex fishing boat last seen Opua up river and then on mooring needing a lot off love had 3 cyl gardner asking for friend her grandfather built her Dale Calvert run her for years fishing in Northland


  23. I am the Felicity, the daughter of Garry Leonard who owned ‘Happy Days’. My father also owned the ’Makena’ another boat which took the Leonard& Seon workers to work on Matakana Island. Also the ‘Moucher’ and a 40 ft ketch called the ‘Lady Anne’.


  24. Hi
    I have a 12 metre (40′) 1960 Chris Craft Conqueror – “Skipper CJ” – that I unfortunately will need to pass on, as I am unable to complete the repairs necessary to get her back in the water.
    The boat is currently on the handstand at Te Atatu Boat Club.
    The boat is in reasonably sound condition, the problem is with leaking windows. I have removed and refitted the fly bridge windows and have started on the cabin windows – but it’s as far as I have got.
    The hull is in sound condition and the twin Volvo engines are in good condition also, as are the electronics etc.
    I am contacting you in the hope that there may be a member of your club (or an associate) who may be interested in this project.
    The boat is a beautiful vessel and is complete.
    Any inquiries would be greatly appreciated.


  25. Am I able to contact Chris McMullin for more advice about keel burn around anode area of hull?
    Thanks Mike Going


  26. Hi, I have a 30’ Gladden bilge keel motor sailer for sale on behalf of lady friend who has returned o seas re Covid etc. can I list it here? Currently on mooring I Whangarei. Cheers Ian creevey

    On Thu, 23 Jun 2022 at 2:46 PM, #1 for classic wooden boat stories, info, advice & news – updated daily <> wrote:

    Simon commented: “How do I get emails? is there a sub to join?” >


  27. How do I get emails? is there a sub to join?

    Click on the follow button at the bottom right of the page. There is no sub / fee. Alan H


  28. Please advise if there are Insurance companies who specialise in Timber built NZ Yachts ,
    or a club one can join that also offer Insurance for craft in NZ.


  29. Good to hear from you Paul , if you can send me your e mail I will scan and send but the picture I have looks longer than 22ft?


  30. Our SIR FRANCIS (22′ C&B 1916) used to be called ALOHA. Would be of great interest if the photos were of her


  31. Does anyone know of a lunch Aloha ? I have done old photos which might be of interest to a current owner


  32. HI I have a Tancook Whale (1840) design, built in California in 1972, by Danny Millett. He spent 10 years and sailed her around the world. I picked her up in 1982 in Florida, and spent 2.5 years sailing out to NZ, and she has been in Opua since 1987 on a mooring. When she was built they used steel fasterers. I refastened her in Opua in 1991, with SS screws. Now , the old fasteners are bleeding through, ans she is taking on water, has to be pumped every 4-5 months. All the old salts say that if she is to be saved, is to cold mold and fiberglass her hull, to keep her sturdy and dry. She is a very classic ship, built with all grown knees and timbers. I would like to give her to someone, that would see her live another 50 years. Could you send an email address or cell phone number , and I will send you some photos of her. I live in the south island, Marahau, and have not been up to Opua in 2.5 years I would love it if you could guide me to others, that might be interested in this project. Thanks so much. Amrita 0275397850


  33. Haha! We’ve been sprung! My surname was spelt wrong in the Stuff article – its just Steven
    Yes, that was the same GT Gillies. The GMC trucks are another great story, but not for me to tell. Jude says GT referred to his tam o’ shanter as his bonnet. It was buried with him


  34. Yes I did turn up that Stuff article on Caplin returning to Nelson under the ownership of Jude Gillies and Mike Stevens. Great story.

    Papers Past is a fantastic resource,

    Use search words, Caplin yawl or Caplin Yacht and you will turn up around about 60 news items, many of them repetitive but THEN you can go down the rabbit hole of searching out the articles on the Gillies family !!! Excellent thing to do on cold winter nights.

    Many years ago (late 1960’s) when I was a customs broker in Wellington, one of our clients was G.T. Gillies Ltd of Oamaru, importing parts for the old ex US Army GMC trucks for their depot in Seaview. I recall Mr Gillies (I think it was G.T.) coming to the office one day looking very sprightly in his tam o’shanter. Lovely man.

    Small world.


  35. Robin – my wife is seeing these newspaper articles for the first time, and she is thrilled. We knew about the events they referred to, but were unaware of the articles. Thank you again. Cheers. M.


  36. Caplin certainly has a fascinating history and seems to be widely know in South Island yachting circles. At this stage I should come clean and admit to being married to a member of the Gillies family – a grand-daughter of ‘GT’. My father in law, Bernard, was on board Caplin on that 1941 trip to Stewart Island. Through family connections, and having owned Caplin for several years now, we have a pretty good knowledge of her past. But as with the articles you have referred us to, new knowledge about her keeps coming up all the time, and we are very grateful to learn all we can about her. Thank you very much for your interest


  37. Caplin left Nelson and headed for Wellington and was photographed by the Evening Post in the boat harbour 14 March which was the last mention of Cdr Graham as her owner. Then no mention of her until 9/1/41 when the ODT records the yacht coming back to Oamaru after a trip to Stewart Island.

    Mrs Lucy Gillies’ obituary in the ODT 24/1/41 mentions her going to the Otago boat harbour in October 1940 to see her sons yacht Caplin arrive from Oamaru.

    All interesting stuff


  38. Yes, ‘Sailing in Grandfather’s Wake’. A fascinating read. After retiring from a career at sea, grandson Ian Tew set out to follow the route of Caplin’s voyage using Graham’s log. Tew himself had an amazing career as a seafarer, captaining a salvage tug based in Singapore for many years. He writes about his experiences in ‘Salvage – a personal odyssey’. A great read!


  39. Almost correct. Caplin was sold to Mr GT Gillies of Oamaru in 1940 (March, I think), and remained in the Gillies family for close to 60 years. During that time she was moored in Oamaru Harbour, and made regular trips to Akaroa and further afield.
    We shall write rather more about her at some future date, but right now we are focussed on getting Caplin to Auckland


  40. There is Plenty on Papers Past on the Caplin and her trip out to NZ by Commander R. Graham and his daughter Margeurite. He had intended to sail back to England but the outbreak of war put paid to that, She was sold here in 1940 (to E. Gillies of Oamaru). He offered her her sale in November 1957 but I’m not sure if she sold or not.

    Just search for the words, Caplin yawl, or Caplin Yacht and you will get plenty of references.


  41. Mike , will keep an eye on her and your restoration . They are worth looking after and we have some very good examples in this country with dedicated owners . NZ can be proud of them and their history .


  42. Fidelity is a beautiful looking yacht in great condition Gary – a credit to you! Caplin used to look as tidy as that, and once current restoration work is complete, will do again


  43. Thanks Mike . I will , I own a 1958 sloop called Fidelity . She lives down here in lyttelton harbour at Purua . She is on this site .if interested , not as old as Caplin thou . She only needs a H in her name and she could be part of my family ” Chaplin” lol . I have found her and a fine looking girl she is . Cheers


  44. A pleasure, Gary.

    As an introduction, I suggest that you seek out a copy of ‘Rough Passage’, by Commander Robert (R.D.) Graham. It deals a voyage in the first yacht owned by Graham, ‘Emanuel’. Caplin was built by the same boat builder who built Emanuel, and the two yachts are very similar.


  45. Cheers Mike . Thanks for the prompt reply and I will indeed look her up . Would love to read the story . I am sure lots of people would love to read her history on here . Look forward to the article Thanks Gary


  46. No photos on this site (yet) but an article seems a good idea sometime soon.

    The yacht’s name is Caplin – fairly well known around the South Island, but probably not so much in Auckland. Sailed to NZ in 1938/39. There is quite a story behind Caplin and her original owner/skipper but to do it justice we shall have to write an article. Meanwhile, if you have access to Classic Boat of August 2010, there is a photo of her on the cover:


  47. Hello Mike . Sorry can’t help with enquiry , but would love to see some pictures of your vessel . Have you got some on this site and or have a name on you gaff rigged yawl where I could see some images . Would love to see some , as love old yatchts .


  48. We are relocating a classic 35″ gaff-rigged yawl from Nelson to Westhaven in March. On arrival we shall be looking for the services of a rigger familiar with 1930s era rigging Any suggestions or recommendations gratefully received.


  49. Hi all. I hope you have all had an amazing Christmas & New Year. We are sbout to purchase an electric watersnake venom motor. The question is a 54lb or a 44lb? It’s just for travelling between boat and shore. Tender seats about four just the normal rubber one. Thank you. Regards Leane


  50. Hi Alan, Nick Davidson here owner of Juanita. Might be a bit of a long shot but wondering if you have any contacts in Whitianga who might have a mooring available for a short term rental through to the end of January 2022? Over the past few weeks I have tried the Harbour Master, the local Whitianga Marina, the Waikato Regional Councal website, Trade Me, the local Whitianga Community website and even the Mercury Bay Gamefishing Club all to no avail!
    We were keen to get her over and cruise Mercury Bay and the Mercury Islands but won’t be able to if we can’t secure a mooring to leave her on. Any advice would be gratefully received. Kind Regards and Merry Christmas Nick Davidson Tel: 021 223 5236.


  51. Hi all,
    I would love to make contact with the current owner of Stella / Iorana if she is still lying in BOI and in need of love.
    I am one of the fortunate people who spent summer days as a kid on her in the Bay. Max Cochran was my Poppa and Dave and Pat (who sent in some photos and some history) are my Mum and Dad.
    We live in the BOI and would love to come and see her.
    Please pass on my details or put me in touch. 0226891471
    Many thanks
    Grant Cochran


  52. Mystery boat no history
    Beautifully restored by I believe Graeme rumney?
    Who moved to sth I now passed away


  53. Rogue as a kid I grew up above the patent slip in Evans bay rogue was very good at breaking her moorings I have photos of her alongside the slip jetty where she put herself along side upright and undamaged Not so lucky another time I watched from my bedroom window as she broke adrift and got across the stem of one of the LYTTELTON ferries she sank and when retrieved had a huge hole in her 3 skin side Glad to hear she’s still going ROBBIE Williams


  54. This is call out for help.
    I am in need of replacing my speedometer which is a 4″ diameter chrome pitot type gauge, which is off my 1965 Seacraft.
    All the modern ones look out of place, that I have seen anyway. What started off as a delicate procedure to assess and repair, has gone from bad to worse, time to abandon this one…..
    If anyone knows of someone who would consider selling one, or something similar. I would be keen.
    Cheers Barrie


  55. Morrie Palmer’s Controversy L-8 was renamed Peace around 1989 and was based up in Kerikeri. She is/was moored at Totara North in 2007-2014 and is probably still there. Her rig has been trimmed back and she is occasionally out on Whangaroa Harbour. I last saw her sailing in 2014.
    I have no idea as to her possible centreboard/keel configuration.
    Her last known owner was Andy Price of Totara North


  56. What became of Morrie Palmers Controversy? Did it possibly every have a Stewart designed fin keel fitted? Or another triple diagonal planked 22’ mullet boat built by Palmer?


  57. Hi there, I have 1959 14 foot 7 double ended clinker I am restoring & are looking for a small Stuart Turner & gear box 4 hp or so to power her as per original, If anybody has 1 they would be looking at selling I would love to hear from ya I am northland based but will travel, cheers Jim 0211627352


  58. Hi. I have owned GALATEA since your last photos. If you want more info, my phone number is 027 433 7591. She is still in great solid condition but paintwork needs tidying. Did not come out of the water last year because of covid but will look a lot better when she hits the water again in about 3 months. Regards, Pete Hool


  59. All depends on your top coat eg single of twin pack – assuming its single – the below are the leaders in terms of sales.International tends to be more expensive but they say with paint – you get what you pay for 🙂
    Altex Multipurpose Primer/Undercoat (above & below water
    International Primocon (underwater
    International Pre Kote (above water)

    Alan H


  60. Just a question on what’s the best primer/undercoat to put on clean bare wood(sanded back kauri)


  61. Hi, in our search for a good woody, carvel built seems the most common construction . Advice on maintenance issues would be appreciated as compared with other common building methods of older wooden boats? Cheers Gary


  62. First off, great job you all do on keeping the wooden boat culture alive and thriving!! My lovely old girl is “yet another Ngaio” ( your photos of her in mystery boats , Ngaio at north coat) I would love any /all the info I can get on her as she is out of the water getting some much needed work to restore her and is now up in the Kaipara and myself and family are looking forward to many, many years of fun and great memories to be had with her! I desperately want to find out her story and life befor so if there are any leads you can give me on her past it will be very much appreciated
    Kind regards Tony


  63. Hi, is anyone else enjoying the re-run of “The Onedin Line” on Sky, Jones! ch #7.
    Great orchestral sailing scenes, chuckle at the fire hose storm clips.


  64. Hi Alan, Michael Rayes was after info on “Tunaeke”. Willy Oliver built a launch of that name at Mercer in the 1920’s, presumably for Caesar Roose. There is a photo of her after end tied up at Mercer in the “Roose Collection” held at the Waikato Art and History Museum-Hamilton. I last saw her put out to grass behind the Shell service station at Kaiwaka, this was in the late 1970’s so she might be gone by now. (low cost heating)


  65. Hi Allen. Many years ago I got to see Ralph Sewell pulling into Westhaven in his little ship ‘Ripple’ and it left an indelible mark on my memory. A while later I purchased a little booklet titled ” Waihau” among the last of NZ’s old trading coasters, written by Ralph. The book was published by ‘Endeavour Press’ who were in Coromandel I believe. There were a number of books listed on the back cover, written by Ralph Sewell. “Ripple” – “Flat bottom boats” – “Shoal Draft” – “Scows”, to name a few. I have not been able to find any trace of Endeavour Press or any of the books listed and wondered whether you or your readers might be able to help me. Many thanks, John D


  66. Hi I enjoy your site. I live in Canada. My grandfather Frank Chapman owned the Ahuareka and took an active role in power boating on the Waitemata. My father crewed for Jack Finlayson when he owned the Buffalo Bill. Photos are available. Does anyone have any further info about these boats after 1940?


  67. Hello, I have a couple of questions for the Waitemata Woodys family concerning the boatbuilding firm of Charles Bailey & Son, Ltd:
    1. Their old workshop at the corner of Beaumont and Poore Streets burnt down “in the late ‘50s”. Does anybody know the actual date of this fire? Month and year would be of great help to me.
    2. I believe Bailey’s moved from Beaumont Street in the mid-1980s, when the foreshore along St Mary’s Bay was reclaimed. My understanding is the firm relocated to a vacant wharf shed on Jellicoe Street, near the Western Viaduct and began trading as Bailey Marine. Is this correct?
    I can be contacted at:
    Thank you, Gil Littler


  68. Info Request from Michael Rayes
    Can any one shed info on these 2 commercial woodys
    1.Tuneake – a large launch cargo / passenger/ cargo boat I saw her at Hobson Wharf about 1960, with a sign advising departing next day for Kawau. Was painted grey?
    2 Huawai – launch built c.1923 for Parrys of Puka Puka, Mahurangi cargo run – Auckland to their Glyn Dairy to over run up to Puhoi c.1935 when NSSCO Kotiti stopped. Sold c.1936/9 to A Subritsky, Awanui. Fishing out of here last seen on river bank by Awanui township 2012. Owned by Mr Sharp son-in law. Being restored? email


  69. Hi WW I would like to enquire about the Stuart Turner engine from the boat boot sale in particular the P66 model thanks.


  70. Hi l am after some information on Raiona, it has been said that she was not built with a canoe stern but this was added,having just stripped all the many layers of anti foul from the hull it would appear that this is not correct unless the complete hull was replaced at the time as the planks are single pieces running from bow to stern. Any ideas why this would be.
    Josh Hawke and Colin Brown are carrying out the work and both agree.
    Any pictures of Raiona would be very helpful especially from her early days as Mollie or alcetis
    Thanks Matthew


  71. Hello all. I would like some feedback on antifoul advice.
    I have been told that some people at my boat club have been spraying their drive shaft with an aerosol can which is available from repco/ super cheap which repels growth? I am not sure of this product, or remember what it is,hence my request for input from those in the know.
    The reason they give is prop speed is a dog to do on the shaft, so they spray it?
    I am going back in the next couple of weeks, and would value any feedback.


  72. Hi, We have recently purchased a 30’ LOA Gladden named EMMA J,a bilge keel motor sailer with 45 hp Perkins. No log no history, beautifully build great live aboard for cruising between housesits. Would love to find history of boat and name. Cheers Ian Creevey


  73. Hi Alan. I intend to have the last ten years or so of antifoul stripped back on Ngaro. I am considering using a soda blaster or similar but am nervous as she is kauri and not glassed over so have the thought of seams etc. I have heard the odd horror story. Do you or other followers have someone you can recommend. Many thanks Tom Kane

    Tom – I have PM’ed you. Cheers Alan H


  74. Hi, have recently purchased 28’wl Gladden motor sailer Emma J and would be interested to find her history as no log with vessel.

    Hi Ian – If you could send (email address below) as much info as possible eg photos, who you bought her off, how long they owned her for, where was she kept, is there any numbers on the sail etc – that will help the process.

    Cheers Alan


  75. Hello Stephen , thankyou for you reply . The other hatch is at present painted . So this one would be the first in timber . The hand rails are teak , so may go down that track . Just thought someone may have used some of these other hard wood timbers that are on the market at present being used for decking etc , Like Garapa , kwila etc There seems to be all sorts of new timbers out there


  76. Depending on size you could always buy demo kauri for the purpose of a hatch, eg an old sash window sill. About 1.5m long by 250mm x 75mm. I just used one I took out of our old villa and the wood was so clear and clean I could almost not make out any grain.
    But kauri would not be the prefered timber to use unless you are matching other hatches on the boat. I would start with teak for a hatch.


  77. Hello . I would like to know a good timber to build a butterfly hatch from . Kauri not being readily available any suggestions would be appreciated


  78. Re Myth of Arran. Thanks Robin for your reply to my query. In some ways the plot thickens and I still have no idea why Myth was in Whangarei, looking rough and ready, and in disguise. I think we can probably say that, if still afloat, Myth is no longer in New Zealand. I hope though that she has overcome her unfortunate history and doing what Bob Stewart, Max Carter and David Reid originally built her for.


  79. To Richard Morgan:
    Myth of Arran, sail A-74 (later NZYF 74) designed by Bob Stewart and built by Max Carter in 1967, had a name change to Charlemagne around 1974 and was owned by Warwick White when he was commodore of RNZYS 1978-79. She did the several Ocean races, Akl/Raro 1974, Akl/Lautoka 1977, Akl/Tonga 1979. He owned her until about 1983.

    After that, she vanished for around 6 years. Another name change perhaps or maybe that’s the period when the accident occurred?

    She reappears again in 1989 renamed to Aotearoa and owned by G. Dawson of ‘California 93031’. I don’t know whether she was actually based in the US or if she was still in NZ at that time.

    Today, NZYF 74 is still allocated to Aotearoa ‘designed by R. Stewart’ but no owners have been listed since 1989.


  80. i have some small patches of soft wood on the deck 1cm wide and about 2 to 5 cm long, 2 to 3mm deep where the ply decks meet the cabin coaming any advice for a 50 year old classic.


  81. My apologies Stephen for addressing you as Simon. Let’s blame old age.



  82. Hi Simon. The yacht that Hugh has is actually the second Myth of Arran, as confirmed to me by Chris Gedye, the previous owner. The Myth I am interested in was designed by Bob Stewart and built by Max Carter in about the early 60s for David Reid. Myth II was owned by his son Don Reid. Thanks for the contact, and please let me know if you learn any more.



  83. Hi Richard, Re your enquiry to the Myth of Arran, our club captain Hugh Gladwell owns her now. If she is the same you speak of. Hugh frequents WW but I could enquire and get him to contact you.


  84. Hi Alan,
    I’m trying to get a handle on costs to replace some plastic bucket seats in a woody I’m looking at buying with more traditional wooden seats. Do you know of someone in New Zealand who makes this kind of seating. I bought a traditional wooden game fishing chair for a previous launch from a gentleman in Tauranga as I recall.
    Kind Regards,

    Liked by 1 person

  85. Looking for info on the – Myth of Arran. See Richard Morgan note below.

    Hi Alan. I recently discovered your 2016 tribute post on Max Carter and was fascinated by the work this man had done. What a roll call of boat building and design he had created in his active years. So much of what he had built was loved and cherished by anybody who appreciated the lines of classic water craft. Among his creations I saw “Myth of Arran” built for David Reid. We went on board Myth, I think at Te Kouma, for several beers one year with David and his crew. We later managed to safely reboard Gleam from our little tender without damage. Some years later I learned that Myth had sunk with the tragic loss of a crew member who had been caught below, after she struck the long, submerged towing hawser between a tug and its barge, while sailing at night. She was raised and presumably repaired as in the early to mid 1970s I spotted a yacht tied up in the Whangarei Town Basin, and said to myself “That’s Myth”. Closer inspection proved me right as the name boards were still attached, but had been painted over so that the raised lettering was almost unreadable. But “Myth of Arran” was what it said. She was looking rather sad and unloved, as though the people involved with her had lost their love of the sea. What became of Myth after this? Was she renamed? Is she still afloat? In NZ? Myth of Arran seems to have vanished completely as we knew her, and I would love to learn her fate, and hope some of your readers may know, or correct me if the story as I have relayed it is inaccurate. I hope that with today’s radar and navigation aids, such an awful accident could not occur, but it shows how valuable someone on deck able to read masthead lights would have been.

    I enjoy reading your daily waitematawoodys posts, and they make me feel young again.

    Richard Morgan


  86. Where do I start?… I am restoring/ rebuilding Zephyr a damaged 1947 Kauri launch and have a lot of questions as I get into the project, as with a lot of these old boats there is no manual and they were usually built with what was available at the time making every one unique, which doesn’t help my cause. At the moment these are the Items I would like advise on from anyone in the know,
    -Rusted Keel bolts, removal and replacement, they are currently Steel (what is left that is)
    -Prop shaft rear seal, I have no idea how this comes apart and don’t want to damage it, seems to have some sort of leather type seal around the shaft?
    -Old Anti fowl removal, is there an easier way to remove this without spreading the dust everywhere including on me? I was thinking of using a heat gun??
    -Timber for main frames, I need to replace three big frame timbers (rot), 225x50mm x1.8m I was thinking of laminating Macro and epoxy soaking for protection is this a good idea? I would rather only use Kauri where needed like hull planking.
    -Trying to source 1 6inch port hole with single screw latch, one missing when we purchased her.
    There will no doubt be a bunch more head scratchers I will encounter during this project so if anyone has experience with woodies of this era I would love to chat, thanks.
    I can take photos of the offending items for clarification if needed.
    Any help greatly appreciated.

    P.S A reply for Evan re Red Lead, I am currently awaiting a reply from they supply chemicals to schools and labs here in CHCH, they had red lead oxide powder available late last year when I enquired, I will let you know.


  87. Hi all. We operate a 92 yr old motor sailer out of Havelock in the Marlborough Sounds and need to have caulking done. I have been trying to find white and/or red lead powder. I have been in touch with all the contacts I have in NZ but no one has any. Red lead paint is available at Protective Coatings and presumably have the powder to make this, but they won’t sell the powder. I have also tried to buy it on line ex the UK, but they will not ship it. Anyone know of sources, or of other available additives to add to putty? I understand the main reason for the lead is to deter “putty grub” eating out the cotton. But I can’t find any information on putty grub, is it actually a problem in NZ? Look forward to replies!


  88. Hi
    I purchased a Townson 32 Twilight yacht last year built 1975
    It’s construction is all wood double diagonal kauri hull and wooden topside
    Is this classed as a “woody”
    Also looking for someone to make me a replacement wooden tiler is there anyone you can recomend
    Kind Regards


  89. I have a question. Where can I get a manual windlass suitable for a 28′ wooden yacht?

    REPLY: Bruce, a reader has contacted me, they have a winch that sounds like it matches what you are after – they are getting back to me in a few days – will PM you when I hear. Kind Regards Alan H


  90. Hi looking to find out about mason clipper 19 wairua all wood Rebuilding as was barn find
    Also any info on semi woody Kahu again mason but 24


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