Wee Tug Boat- help needed

Wanted – Drum & Rope Steering Set-Up

Ok its Friday & I’ll feeling charitable 🙂 I have had a request from David Grace in the Hawkes Bay for a hand in locating an old steering wheel system that has a drum on the back for a rope steering system. Davids not worried about what sort of actual wheel just the shaft and drum. He can’t find anything in Hawkes Bay so wondered if any woodys can help ?.

David has set himself a target to get the wee tug to next years (late Jan 2016) Lake Rotoiti Boat Parade (Nth Island) so lets see if we can help.

4 thoughts on “Wee Tug Boat- help needed

  1. Thanks Team for your help.The Tenob system is spot on for this job.The rotary systems are great but are all to long,this is a tiny boat,really a dinghy with a lid .
    Appreciate the contact.


  2. Hi David,
    The rope steering systems are difficult to find these days, but Tenob wholesale still sell a system, you can view on their website http://www.tenob.co.nz under steering systems, hope this helps.
    Cheers Reg


  3. TradeMe is always a good source for such items and some chandlers still sell them new.
    I would be going for rotary helm and cable, much neater, trouble free and not that much dearer than rope and pulley.
    Neat project you have there Dave


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